Haven Green

Haven Green strives to be an inclusive model for how affordable housing and green space are complementary and necessary for meeting community needs. Housing, open space and intergenerational programming will co-exist at Haven Green, elevating the site to a sum greater than its parts. This exemplary affordable senior housing development will both preserve the legacy and maximize the potential of Little Italy. The members of the Haven Green development team looks forward to working with the community to foster sustainability, diversity, and community stewardship in the heart of lower Manhattan. 

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Pennrose LLC, RiseBoro Community Partnership and Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County have been designated to build Haven Green, a 123-unit affordable rental complex for senior citizens, in Little Italy, Manhattan. Haven Green is a unique senior housing development expected to consist of 123-unit deeply affordable apartments. Haven Green will be affordable to extremely low-, very low-, and low-income seniors with thirty-seven apartments for seniors who have been homeless. The housing will be enveloped by services for both the new resident community and the community at large.

The Haven Green development will include nearly 16,000 square feet of publicly- accessible garden space designed and programmed through a community engagement process, community engagement opportunities, flexible community activity space, as well as onsite and community services provided by Riseboro Community Partnership and Habitat NYC and Westchester. The development will be LGBTQ-friendly, and include services specific to elderly LGBTQ residents and neighbors.

To ensure the sustainability of the development, Haven Green will serve as a model energy-efficient building. The project will be built to Passive House standards, reducing the building’s utility expense and carbon emissions, keeping our city greener and healthier. The building and the public open space will be designed to manage and reuse stormwater through the use of permeable surfaces covering the majority of the open space and a rooftop rainwater harvesting system.

Haven Green will highlight nearly 16,000 square feet of publicly accessible open space, available to the public via entrances at Mott and Elizabeth Streets, with vibrant gardens, flexible space for seating and relaxation, shaded and sunny areas, public art and other amenities designed with the input of the community. The design and programming for the open space will be developed through a participatory design effort grounded in community engagement to build active involvement and stewardship.

Download the Site PlanSolar Study and a partial Plant List for the open space.

Haven Green Financing Summary (subject to change depending on availability)

Construction and permanent financing for Haven Green is anticipated to come from proceeds of a bond funded tax-exempt/taxable first position mortgage loan from HDC, subsidy mortgage loans from HDC’s ELLA, HPD’s SARA programs and Resolution A Funds proceeds from the investment in 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits and sponsor equity. Credit enhancement of the bonds is anticipated during construction. Operating subsidy for the 50 units of senior supportive housing is expected from New York City supportive housing programs.

Project Highlights

deeply affordable units for seniors

deeply affordable units for seniors

40 percent of units for formerly homeless seniors

40 percent of units for formerly homeless seniors

LGBTQ friendly

LGBTQ friendly

Nearly 16,000 square feet of publically accessible open space

Nearly 16,000 square feet of publically accessible open space

Built to Passive House standards, lowering residents’ utility bills

Built to Passive House standards, lowering residents’ utility bills

Eco-friendly building with rainwater collection on roof

Eco-friendly building with rainwater collection on roof

Active Design Principles

Active Design Principles

Community and Resident Services

Community and Resident Services

“New developments such as Haven Green will help combat the fact that over 200,000 seniors are on waitlists for affordable housing across the city. This opportunity for 123 units of senior housing with services, as well as a significant amount of public space, will invigorate the community and support the seniors that will be lucky enough to call Haven Green home.”

Allison Nickerson

Executive Director at LiveOn NY